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HOLD ON Tight, Until the Dayspring!

Welcome back to our weekly blog after a week of a whirlwind of successful activities - particularly, the premiere WorshipFEST '21 Conference, here in Northfield, Birmingham, England at the weekend! What a treat by the Holy Spirit! Without reminiscing too much on the past glories, let us reach out for more transformation by the Spirit of Christ Jesus; as the Scripture says: "from glory to glory" | 2 Corinthians 3:18.

Today's blog is quite straightforward. Its title is taken from Apostle Peter's admonition to the saints of God worldwide in his time. I can assuredly say it applies to us saints, in this current end-time too with all the uncertainties that our world is encumbered with. The aged Apostle had penned: "And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts" | 2 Peter 1:19.

Today, I am encouraged of the LORD's Spirit to ask you to HOLD ON TIGHT!

"Hold on tight to what, exactly, Dr. Joseph?" you ask! Hold on tight to:

a.) The sweet, still, small voice of the Holy Spirit that you had heard in the secret place as you communed with the father, which voice in times past had never failed to materialize, but in this present time seemingly is prolonged or delayed! Has God promised you a word of assurance and you've held on for a long while now; but it seems like failing to materialize? Don't be fooled. Neither be a fool in spiritual matters. HOLD TIGHT!

b.) The prophecies that were spoken over your life by pure vessels of grace. It is certainly a thing of concern that there are lying vessels of prophecies all about us. Empty jars making the loudest noises; laying hands upon God's heritage, prophesying garbage and sheer lie in the name of the Lord, falsely raising the hopes of inexperienced flocks.

The other day I heard about a so-called prophet that had prophesied to a sister, that a married man was going to leave his wife, and then marry her! She came to me rejoicing. Had she been a pet, her owner would have noticed her excitement as she had wagged her imaginary tail! I'd sat her down, and expounded the true Word of God unto her:

"God can't be the author of confusion" I said. "Such a prophecy is not divine; it could not have been from the Spirit of God! That is a soothsaying spirit from hell through the mouth of a soothsayer!"

Praise God; the sister was delivered from the fangs and the clutches of hell! Soothsayers utter false words aimed at soothing your broken, wounded, needy, desperate spirit. You must be careful to not receive just any word from any prophet. The best approach is that you personally "covet the best gifts" - the gift of prophecy being one of them! These will point you in the most excellent way | 1 Corinthians 12:31. In other words, thirst for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, to also be able to prophesy - that is expound and interpret the mind of the Spirit upon any issue in your life!

c.) Taking heed! What does that mean? The Amplified version translates this as: "Paying close attention to" something/someone. In this case, the object worthy of the fixated gaze of our attention span is the Word. Just like you would pay close attention to a lamp shining in a dismal, squalid, and dark place. Then the Apostle qualified the time expectancy that you ought to hold on, onto this for! He said UNTIL THE DAY BREAKS THROUGH THE GLOOM | 2 Peter 1:19, Amp. Version.

Are you undergoing a gloomy, squalid, dark, slippery place in your life in this season of life? HOLD ON TIGHT!

Is your career, undergoing a tumultuous uncertainty with your supervisor or boss? Seems like they hold the reins of your future? NO THEY DON'T. God owns the reins of your promotion, welfare, wellbeing, and career! Be not afraid, just HOLD ON TIGHT!

Is it your children doing drugs, and have become addicts, their lives almost slipping away from them? HOLD ON TIGHT!

Is it an affliction, sickness, sorrow, or grief that has defied medical prescriptions and diagnosis? HOLD ON TIGHT onto the dream and vision of health your Father-GOD promises you in His Word!

An octogenarian named Simeon and another sister well above eighty years old met daily in the Temple to pray for the successful 'landing' of Baby Jesus on the Jewish scenery. God's Holy Spirit had intimated them both of the Messiah's delicate mission. They prayed their tongues out, almost! They weren't going to cave in or quit believing God's promise. God told them that neither of them will die until they had seen the Savior of the world face to face. They were a prophet-prophetess team. Jesus was born. GOD honored His Word. They held Jesus in their frail arms in the Temple at HIS christening | See Luke 2:21-38.

Prophet Zecharias and his wife Elizabeth had suffered a crushing delay in childbirth due to 'barrenness'. But God had remembered His Word. At John's baby naming ceremony, the father had prophesied about the future of their son, John. He had been prompted by God to mention that DAYSPRING HATH VISITED US FROM ON HIGH!
That phrase 'Dayspring has sprung' had stuck with me since I was twelve years old. Read with me, Priest Zechariah's words:

"And thou child shall be called the prophet of the Highest, for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways ... Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us. To give light to them that dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace" | Read Luke 1:67-79.


Photo credit:

Sammy Joseph Ministries, U.K. This is a copyrighted photo that must not be reproduced, stored, or altered without the written permission of the owner!

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