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Sammy O. Joseph, born in Ibadan, Western Nigeria, March 24, 1968 is an anointed, ordained British minister of the Gospel. He was miraculously saved at age three while he had watched the Jesus of Nazareth film whilst being shoulder-carried by his father. He had been specifically called into the Christian ministry at the tender age of five, in vivid, descriptive visions of Jesus Christ telling him: "I have set you apart to bear My Gospel to the four corners of the earth!" Thus, little boy Sammy — like Samuel of old — had begun the tutelage-walk with Jesus as a mere little child prophet with many subsequent visions and dreams of deep spiritual cognizance, signs and miracles, having followed. Originally the third of four children, his childhood had been marked with the distinct mark of the office of a Prophet! 


As he grew in age and stature, so also did his burden deepen in witnessing sinners saved, saints growing, and blooming in their daily walk with Jesus Christ! As a youth of eighteen, he had led a Bible Study youth group on the university campus that had focused upon saving, discipling, and training converts on becoming sharpened one-on-one spokesperson-witnesses of the Lord to their friends and the lost! As a young adult at twenty-two, he had embarked full time upon his calling, first, as an evangelist and a teacher. Within the span of three years, the then Harvester Teams had mushroomed into discipling teams on five campuses. Many fruits of this effort are pastors/ministers of thriving congregations across the world!


Dr. Joseph has ministered in many countries of Africa, Europe, Australia, Canada, and the USA. He impacts lives globally through media and books published by the PULSE Publishing House, UK. With God’s supernatural strength and wisdom, he has raised five, God-loving young adults who also do the work of the ministry — alongside their earthly professional callings!


"Reconciling men to God through Jesus Christ … Preaching the complete GoodNews of the Kingdom … Establishing believers' souls with the aim of raising a virile generation of kings and priests unto our God, until the kingdoms of this world are become our LORD's and His Christ!"


(+44)  7758-195466

(+44)  7736-115884

Holloway Hall, Ley Hill, Northfield,


England B31 1TT

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