Anyone can want a new beginning. You too can have a sparkling, bright, brand-new beginning. But that's not enough. Because desire backed by a resulting positive action to change is the proof of the “want”.
Let's suppose that you’ve circled the base of a treacherous, snow-capped mountain for so long, confused and not discovered the safest and shortest trail to follow in an attempt to reach its frozen summit. You then suddenly remembered you needed a map. So, you visited the local hiking gift shop at the base where you sighted the map of the various trails. Voila! All have been published by a wealthy local who has published the advisory hiking routes. You would be barmy ― to say the least ― to entertain a debate about whether or not you should purchase that map! And now that you're smart enough, you would be way off the mark to have never had it opened for a thoughtful study!
This scenario was the stalling base where close to three million Canaan-bound slaves had been foot-locked. It was by the foot of Mount Seir. They had trodden the well-worn footpaths that had shone with such brilliance from many a moonless night!
The only problem?
They had been circling the base of the mountain encompassing it for such a long while – having ignored the God Who had miraculously broken Pharaoh’s iron grips from off their necks. But then, suddenly, God spoke to Moses: “You have compassed this mountain long enough: Turn you northward" | Deuteronomy 2:3. In an instant, their common cry had been: 'Advance Northward!' May the spirit of your mind also be flooded with God's light so that you would see the plight that had held you captive for so long. The Bible says "the entrance and unfolding of Your words give light; their unfolding gives understanding (discernment and comprehension) to the simple” (Psalms 119:130; Amplified Version).
God's light sets free! Hallelu!
"Many there are today living their lives 'freely' in the societies of the world but who indeed are helpless, hapless, clueless prisoners of their very own minds".
Let me say it again: 'Light sets free!' For instance, even you could be blinded and held captive by the darkness of unforgiveness. Believe me; if you choose to tread the Unforgiveness Blvd; the roots of bitterness would soon undoubtedly fester. And when those roots have deepened long enough in the soil of your heart, the resultant physical manifestations would include body ailments, sicknesses and afflictions. (I would presume that you probably know one or two people who have passed life-imprisonment custodial sentences upon themselves because of grudges, offenses, hurts and grievances held onto!
The light of God also produces abundant joy energy! Hallelujah!!
Here's what the Prophet Jeremiah had discovered:
"Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me
the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord
God of hosts"
― Jeremiah 15:16.
Not only does the reception of the word of God positively affect the human spirit, minds, and bodies; but it does also produce unspeakable, indescribable joy full of glory! The prophet Jeremiah discovered this secret after eating the Word!
That joy in turn generates tons of energy from the very depth of the receptive human souls. And we know that wherever energy is generated, there will be no want of fire, heat, light etcetera. These are somewhat the by-products of the light of God’s Word fanned into a fierce, fiery, fire within the chambers of the human spirit! What chains can resist the billowing descent of the fire of the Holy Spirit? There is none that can!
By this fire, curses are broken. Inherited and genealogical disturbances are vaporized. Have you ever seen an uncontainable forest fire in action? It raises to ashes, anything in its pathway!
I am praying that the fire of God’s Word will burn from within your heart today. Let me bring this phenomenon of the Word producing light and fire closer home: Remember those close to three million emancipated, confused Jews at the foot of Mount Seir we earlier read of? They had become dejected, despondent, depressed, defensive and defeated. Life’s disappointments had diluted their resolve to inherit the promised land of Canaan. They were defenseless, weary – and worn out in their minds. But no sooner than Moses had received – and instructed them – God’s word of command to “advance northward” had they experienced a renewed surge of life! Energy had suddenly resumed coursing their red blood cell corpuscles. If there was anyone feeling that deadly, lethargic feeling caused by regrets and disappointments, dis-obedience and wasted opportunities; what they would need is a full dosage of the undiluted, incorruptible, energetic word of God (1 Peter 1:23-25). The Word will produce in them such a tremendous forceful surge in energy caused by God’s light. This light in turn produces optimism, determination, and an inextinguishable strong, fiery passion to think, say and do what is right, always!
You Can't Just Mouth Change You see, you need a determined, purposeful and optimistic heart whose passion is inextinguishable in order to conquer the summit of your quest: The new beginning! You don't just mouth change. You’ve got to possess both the inner strength and courage to want change!
Now, you will not possess that inextinguishable strength and the determination to overcome, for instance, the struggle with an addiction or a family's backlog history of curses by your self-efforts. Only God’s Holy Spirit can muster within you, such incomprehensible strength. And you have your own part to play in that process of your deliverance: Willingness to imbibe the Word! Only then will you become unstoppable.
Thirsty for the Change; Hunger for the Word!
Make that your mantra that births your new beginning! Jesus our Deliverer rendered it thus:
“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they
shall be filled”
― Matthew 5:6.
Written ― adapted for this blog ― Dr. Sammy JOSEPH from the book: 'Your New Beginning', available at PULSE Publishing House Store: to order. Subscribe freely to our
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