Were God human, He'd have experienced a confusing moment of choosing between His royalty: The glory of Heaven and the angels — and His loyalty to the glory of the yet unfathomed depths of His created planets, galaxies, the Milky Ways and the Earth! Yet, unquestionably, no other planet had the Creator-God invested His greatest assets into, like our Earth — and its inhabitants!
Without a doubt, therefore, His choice had been unrivaled: The Blue Planet will forever remain very special to Him because of at least these two, uncomplicated reasons: First, the Earth inhabits homo sapiens. That is, human beings! These are essentially spirit-beings, created in the exact replica of God’s spiritual likeness! This truth, the Scripture teaches, in the creation story. When I say 'the creation story', I am deliberately well-intended away from referencing my source from any human theories or theorists like Darwin — and/or other evolutionists. Rather, I am pitching my throw from the Bible, God’s Holy Word: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” | Genesis 1:27 Second, the Earth, at the very beginning had borne the replica of Heaven — God’s dwelling place. It had been the Creator’s mindset that it should resemble Heaven in all semblance, for all eternity! Whichever angle you view it from, God had been pre-consumed with replicating Himself! Notice, I did not write “duplicating”. There is a huge difference between both: The duplication process involves watering down an original piece. And you and I know that God would never be involved in a shady, watered-down, deal! That why He produces replicas! Father-God reproduces replicas of the originality of His purpose through humans! You and I are replicas, not duplicates! We are the replicas of the Almighty, creative, Creator-God! And because He is creative, God allotted extraordinary abilities to gifted and talented humans — thus affording them a great level of ingenuity! Hence, we are geniuses in our gifting and talents! This is a major reason you must not be discouraged at setting your foot onto the pathway of discovering your identity, no matter how rough such a pathway may prove to be. Rather, you must immerse yourself in both the discovery and the mastery of the possible ‘oddities’ embedded with that gift and/talent — no matter how ‘odd’ it may originally present itself to your thoughts! Do you live like God's replica of royalty and loyalty? It's high time you began to, today!