OVERCOMING the Spirit of Diotrephes - Leadership Series
Whether you’re a follower or a leader – particularly a christian leader, this is a book you would love to read! Overwhelming the spirit of DIOTREPHES has masterfully contrasted the character-traits of Diotrephes with those of his Godly associates – Gaius and Demetrius – and that of The Elder, indwelt
by the Spirit of Truth.
Diotrephes had been a fleshly christian leader: Mean-spirited, proud, brash, lustful, manipulative and thunderous, to say the least! He was the perfect epitome of abuse of spiritual office; a leader you rather would prefer to not meet, neither deal with!
“I know you must have met or crossed paths – at a time or another, with a character the like of Diotrephes who had occupied a high seat of power and influence. But you had never actually been able to put a finger on the reason(s) why such a so-called, ‘born-again’, child of God could have acted so fleshly: Their bizarreness had left you in quite, a state of shock! Well, this book has detailed all you needed to overcome the spirit of Diotrephes,” writes Dr. Sammy Joseph. (198 pages)
Pages: 213
Cover: Paperback & e-pub.
Published by PULSE PUBLISHING HOUSE, England, U.K. (Religious, Spiritual, Christian Life - Relationships, Family & Ministerial Relationships/Counseling, Miracles, Hermeneutics, Homiletics, Ministry Tool).
ISBN: 978-0-9567298-4-2
Author: Dr. Sammy O. Joseph
Released: November 1, 2017.Selling Price: £13.49 includes shipping & handling.