Your style may be shoes, mine, boots
It matters little so long as we both will bear fruit
Joyfully serving the same Master
And although one walks slower, and another a bit faster
You say ‘hello’ and I say ‘howdy’
We join our souls under skies made perfect by the grace of GOD
Though made imperfect by our life's toils
Yet, in every journey, GOD already has trodden ahead of us!
Even if to the wandering brawler it sounds odd
Words mean little while our actions speak
As feeble hands find strength once, oh, so weak
You may wear a suit as I wear tattooed skin
By His loving grace, we are both forgiven of sins
And growing at His pace
As we put on kindness and others see our Jesus
This kindness walks softly as it writes on men's hearts heavenly thesis
That 'life is a journey that must be traveled'
Even if questions leave our faith forever baffled
He leads a way for the strong and able
And carries those who are broken and disabled
Our appearances may look very different
But there dwells just One who is never ignorant
He is the God of the countryman
And for the city boy too, He forewrote His plans
We will never pass this way again
May our works speak what He authored with His pen
Because every heart needs love and care
Just as the rich and poor have lungs needing air
I will meet you on the road up yonder
Even if it appears to be when we feast on bread
For one door of earth closes as another opens
In Heaven where promises are fulfilled as spoken
'THAT PATHWAY GOD ALREADY WALKED' was written by Linda Pearly, our associate writer/contributor. Both the picture and the poem have been published with her permission. PULSE Publishing House, UK (copyrighted).

Visit our PULSE Publishing House Store at the secure link: https://www.harvestways.org/product-page/not-a-mismatch to order Sammy O. Joseph's book: 'You're Not a MISMATCH' as it discusses strategies to help you know that Father God is walking with you on life's uneven terrains. You will find Dr. Sammy Joseph's teachings at Youtube.com/c/HarvestWays
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