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God has not asked, nor will He demand ALL of us to enter into the ministry behind the pulpit! He will NEVER ask every one of us to abandon our day's jobs in fulfillment of the burden for the ministry. Do you know why? It is because GOD intended all of us His children to have a knowledgeable grasp of the reason for our creation! Have you discovered yours?

There is at least a reason for your being born. And until you have discovered that reason, you should be expected to keep trading upon the well-worn pathways that lead to "Nothingness Blvd." Jesus testified of His volition: "To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth." (John 18:37). Mary Slessor had found her calling at the abolishment of ritual killing of day-old twin babies among the Calabar people of Nigeria. John Newton, the abolishing of the horrific Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

How do you discover your calling?

You would have discovered your calling when you have found that thought that has consumed all of your heart! That's as easy as it is to discover it. Every tissue and fiber in your member would crave for and long for this very thought or mission. That's also how you will discover who it is the spouse you should marry is.

In Summary, therefore ...

  • Your calling is your heavenly apportioned assignment which Heaven has endowed you to fulfill on earth;

  • Your calling is the REASON of your existence - or should be;

  • It that niche that God has carved for you to fill in life, which no one else can fill;

  • It is that venture that you should give your ALL unto;

  • As you give your ALL to the pursuit of your calling, you begin to shine and accomplish what you set out to do by the anointing of God sent to make you excel despite oppositions;

  • And let's say you refuse to answer that calling of God upon your life, contrary to widely-held beliefs, God does not punish or put a curse upon you. He will simply find someone else who is not as good as you to step into your shoes and make them excel, supernaturally.

I hope and pray these few words of this blog will ginger you up to wait upon the Father until you have discovered that which He created you to do on this Earth! Do nothing UNTIL you have discovered the PURPOSE of God for your life! The best place you could ever be is in the center of Divine will for your life!

God bless you.

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Updated: May 20, 2021

Anytime I had re-read Jesus Christ’s final sentence on the cross I must admit that I’ve been so emboldened with such audacity of boldness to face whatever may come along the pathway we generally call life, just by sheer faith!

Apostle Paul elucidates this standpoint in his letter to the Galatians. He writes:

“I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. And the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me.

I do not frustrate the grace of God” | Galatians 2:20—21.

What is it that is unfinished with you?

Life could be challenging! But you and I need not live and face life’s challenges in our own power. Or we would be submerged by untold miseries! How, then, could any of us bypass the drudgery or the monotony of living a defeated life?

According to the Apostle Paul:

#1. Be crucified with Christ! What does that entail?

Being crucified with Christ Jesus means, accepting the Finished Work of sacrifice that the Savior had offered the Father-God on your behalf!

Can I explain further? It means that you will have to accept Christ's Paschal Lamb's sacrifice as ENOUGH for you. For when Jesus had been crucified to death upon that old rugged cross, He had spiritually represented you and all that you are and would encounter before the Father!

#2. You will NOT need to live in your own power to overcome sin and Satan, again.

The power of resurrection is now made available to you without restraints. The implication of this goes as far as NOT arrogating shame and worldly guilt unto myself ever again even if I made a mistake, tripped, or fell. Because, by the power of He Who promised IT IS FINISHED, I will arise again (See Micah 6:8).

#3. I will NOT frustrate the grace of God.

What does that imply? This implies that I will not deliberately take the grace of God for granted! Meaning that I will not blindly walk into trouble, expecting the grace of the Grace-giver to just bankroll my wickedness and selfishness. It also means that I will not go to the church-steeple and launch myself, spreading out or somersaulting, quoting Psalms 91:11. Jesus said doing that would be suicidal: It is tempting the Lord, your God! (Matthew 4:70).

Anytime you too read the words "IT IS FINISHED", please put into practice, its meanings and applications!

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“I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health!”

— Voltaire

Even though the term “midlife crises” is nowhere found in the bible, nevertheless, it had existed in both sexes — even in biblical times! In my earlier book Destroying the Power of DELAY: Possessing Your Canaan, I had deliberately limited myself to addressing the midlife crisis in males only for reasons solely pertinent to the issues being discussed therein! But here, I shall avail you the instrumentality of familiarity of what transpires between both sexes when they encounter this likely turbulence in life’s flightpath!

July 3, 2013, Radhika Sanghani, a reporter for The Telegraph, a British newspaper wrote on the signs of midlife crisis. She titled her article: ‘Top 40 Signs of A Midlife Crisis Revealed.’ Here’s how she had lined up her findings. Read or pore through her list. Then, decide whether to have a laugh or become serious, just for once! According to Radhika, you are meant to be exhibiting midlife crisis signs if you could identify with just one of these at forty:

1. “Desiring a simpler life.

2. Still going to music festivals like Glastonbury.

3. Start looking up old boyfriends or girlfriends on Facebook.

4. Realize you will never be able to pay off your mortgage.

5. Joining Twitter so your bosses think you 'get' digital.

6. Excessively reminisce about your childhood.

7. Take no pleasure in your friends' successes.

8. Splashing out on an expensive bicycle.

9. Sudden desire to play an instrument.

10. Fret over thinning hair.

11. Take up a new hobby.

12. Want to make the world a better place.

13. Longingly look at old pictures of yourself.

14. Dread calls at unexpected times from your parents (fearing the worst).

15. Go to reunion tours of your favorite bands from the 70's and 80's.

16. Switch from Radio 2 to Indie stations like 6 Music.

17. Revisit holiday destinations you went to as a child.

18. Cannot envisage a time when you will be able to afford to retire.

19. Read obituaries in the newspapers with far greater interest — and always check how people die.

20. Obsessively compare your appearance with others the same age.

21. Start dyeing your hair when it goes grey.

22. Stop telling people your age.

23. Dream about being able to quit work but know that you'll just never be able to afford to.

24. Start taking vitamin pills.

25. Worry about being worse off in your retirement than your parents.

26. Want to change your friends but don't meet anyone new that you like.

27. Think about quitting your job and buying a Bed & Breakfast or a pub.

28. Flirt embarrassingly with people 20 years your junior.

29. Look up your medical symptoms on the internet.

30. Start thinking about going to church but never act on it.

31. Always note when politicians or business leaders are younger than you.

32. Contemplate having a hair transplant or plastic surgery.

33. Take out a direct debit for a charity.

34. Can't sleep because of work worries.

35. Hangovers get worse and last more than a day on occasions.

36. Constantly compare your career success with your friends.

37. Worry about a younger person taking your job.

38. Take up triathlons or another extreme sport.

39. Find that you are very easily distracted.

40. Realize that the only time you read books is when you are on holiday.”

More seriously, not everyone will experience a midlife crisis in their mid-years. It will collide with some fairly early in life as it had young David had.

David, was a product of an illicit affair between his parents. He was of mixed paternal Jewish seed of Jesse, and an un-named Moabite lady. He was the youngest of an unruly family of six older half-brothers who had outcast him from the family home. Because of God’s unfavorable pronouncement on the country of Moab — alongside five other wicked tribes for their parts in punishing Israel on exodus, en-route the desert to Canaan — no Israelite may have any marital or sexual relations with any of those nations! Product(s) of such relationships were disregarded, dis-inherited, and discounted. In other words, the society at large deemed such women and their offspring as legal misfits, miscreants, or mismatches. David had fallen short under that categorization. His family had coldly, brutally rejected him. The reality of such emotional anguish sparked by a cold rejection had triggered off the young man’s advent with crises as early as before he had reached age twelve!

An early sufferer like David apart, some conversely, incredibly enough may never experience the midlife crises. Yet, for the majority, midlife crises will reveal their narrow, oblong face somewhere around their midlife years. In other words, you may discover life slowing down somewhat when you’re forty or mid-forty-ish. If that is your experience at this season of your life, you would be happy to know that you are not alone! Millions are wearing your exact shoe-size!

Abridged for this blog from Dr. Sammy Joseph's book: 'You are Not a MISMATCH'. You may order this book at this link: OR anywhere books are sold across the world!

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