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Updated: May 20, 2021

That lover-boy may have been squashed with affection, right? Look again. Looks and feelings may be fleeting! When Jesus had been sun-kissed by the traitor, Judas, the Master had NOT been fooled. He had anticipated Judas' dumb move. He had acquainted himself with the expected pain in the heart.

There's a pain caused to the heart by the betrayal that could be fatal if care is not taken. To acquiesce to the lie that there is no pain - or minimal pain caused by betrayal is to deny the truth. Because:

First, a betrayal can only be caused by someone whom you have reposed your trust and confidence in; an insider. Not a stranger!

Second, betrayal is a stab in the back!

Three, betrayal can be caused by a narcissist whom you know, and are trying to get away from. And if he/she outsmarts you and succeeded in committing a crime, the guilt and the taint of being blind-spotted remains with you for the rest of your life!

Four, if the betrayal was about a cheating spouse who remains a liar and in denial, it may be as a result of some other factors much more visible to more than the naked eye can see. (And may need a psychiatrist's evaluation); and,

Five, if it is a marital betrayal, there is more than just the usual risk of contracting STDs or other general diseases; a good check-up may be in tow!

Six, if you are being betrayed currently, it is time to stand back, pull away, and conduct some soul-searching to finding your true worth. It would be wrong of you to keep believing that a cheater, for example, would change. They hardly change. In the same strand, it would be foolhardy of you to believe the lies a domestic violent abuser has fed your head/mind/ears. YOU DESERVE MORE THAN THE LIES AND THE CONTROL GAME OF THE MANIPULATOR!

A kiss of betrayal often comes with the pain of the same: Betrayal is one of the most hideous sins that could be committed against a creature of love, whoever or whatever that creature is. Its wounds run deep. Very deep, if you escape serious harm or the loss of your life!

Pray to the Creator of Heaven and Earth and the Universe, this day, to protect your heart, mind, soul, and body from harm's way due to the adversarial torment of betrayal. And the Betrayer!

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Updated: Jul 19, 2021

"I had been involved in abusive situations. You are afraid to leave because you know he will find you. He holds a gun to your head you beg him to pull the trigger but he hits you over the head with it. He lies and makes excuses, takes everything you have. Including your self-respect ..."

Those were the comments of one Dora, in the comments section of one of my posts earlier this week on Facebook, on the dreaded topic of #DomesticViolence - and the wrongs of the Criminal Justice System many would rather prefer to hush about. But what is it to NOT talk, or want to openly discuss? That a malevolent person who self-confessed and proclaimed that they love you would all of a sudden now turn around, ready to violate you?

1. Domestic violence crime is usually is perpetrated by one person who preys upon another person's love, with the aim of doing or causing them harm, if not to exterminate them. It is a crime of passion. Come to think of it, you wouldn't let your guard down for a stranger, or would you?

2. It is a crime; is a crime, is a CRIME! make no mistake about it. Enough of hypocritical Judges who pretend to not be able to read in between the lines of traumatic, emotional disorders less visible OR see the obvious transgressions caused/done by a sufferer because the alleged offender is an accomplished, standing member of the society. Like a Medical Doctor, a Cop, a Professor - or even a Pastor!

3. Discrepancies in the Criminal Justice System vary. For instance, the Police Department has a policy of always protecting her own until stark-naked facts prove otherwise. The Criminal Justice System needs officials with hearts, who can detect when though abuse is not obvious to the naked eye, it can be subterraneanly suppressed in regressed emotions. They need to also begin to open their minds to the truth that men too suffer domestic violence from their spouses and the shame culture that makes men repress and suffer in silence needed to be canceled. That in my opinion is one of the viable, cancel-cultures that should ever exist.

Should you be a sufferer of domestic abuse, and are reading this, please reach out with a great deal of caution and wisdom to your nearest law-enforcement teams for intervention. It is WRONG to keep quiet. One of the UK Government's initiatives is the ANI - Ask for Action Needed Immediately code-word at Pharmacy-counters all across the nation. OR call Refuge’s National Domestic Abuse Helpline for free and confidential advice, 24 hours a day on 0808 2000 247 or through the contact form or live chat service. If you are a male victim, you can access support through the Men’s Advice Helpline on 0808 8010327. Other specialist support services are available. If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and ask for the police. (Ask for the relevant authorities to speak to in your respective countries!)

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Domestic violence is NOT just a misdemeanor. It is a criminal act. It is wrong on ALL levels: Think with me -

1. God created human beings in His express image in their spirit. And He promises to punish anyone that attempts to/destroys that image;

2. Domestic violence/abuse not only destroys the spirit but also destroys the mind;

3. Countless millions have lost their lives due to unforeseen, unbelievable, reprehensible, horrific attacks from the aggressor on their victims, allowed by the lapses of judgment in the Criminal Justice System. And this has to STOP. ✋ Period!

Or just justify to me, how you as a Judge could send the lady back home to the highly qualified Medical Doctor with a huge salary and a huge home saying to his spouse: "Your home is large enough for both to co-exist peacefully!"

What of the safety of the children? And where's equality under the law, for the refuge-protection of the abused spouse?

Studies have revealed that highly qualified professionals who are narcissistic usually get away with their crimes just because the System keeps refusing to believe they are capable of committing the alleged crimes they have been reported to commit!

Methinks the legal requirement that forces abused persons to sit in court to face their abusers - or their case will be thrown out of court NEEDED TO BE REDRESSED. If fear of meeting the abuser has been implanted already in the abused person, why would the legal system still mandate a sit-in appearance of the appellant?

That brings me to my fourth point;

4. STOP DISMISSING male victims of Domestic Violence. That Police culture/training of the dark ages that receives a call from a female-abuser asking the assistance of law enforcement officers to intervene after she had violated the male, NEEDS TO BE REDRESSED also. In most cases, the male had not called the Police first, because of either the shame-culture associated with been beaten or aggravated by his spouse. Or because of the Police-culture of perception that the male is ALWAYS the aggressor and perpetrator of Domestic Violence crimes, and as such should be removed and high-handedly dealt with! Many innocent males had lost their dear lives or had received eternal wounds in their body-parts in this miscarriage of justice.

Many citizens there still are who do NOT believe that females too could inflict Domestic Violence harms on their male-spouses because the female "is the weaker-framed vessel", as they say. I say: "You are as crazy as hell!" Studies reveal that 1 in 5 females and 1 in 7 males have been domestically violated in heinous crimes under different roofs. I was in an abusive marriage for a decade, and I had been told by my abuser: "You'd better shut up; what happens under this roof stays under this roof because if you say a word, your public ministries and teaching career will be over!" And she was right! I had to seek a divorce, be separated from harm's way, cater for, and protect my five kids - four of whom had been under age 3 (they were two sets of twins and a lone oldest sibling at 5). Custodial battles dragged for three more years after Decree Absolute of 2007. Professional classroom teaching career spasmodically was interrupted for sudden referrals to the Social Service or the Police, or summons to the court so much that the emotional and physical energies were all sapped out of me at the snap of two fingers! On the ministerial front, many were as surprised as you reading this that I had chosen to end my marriage. And without hearing a word from myself but only the other side, they had chosen sides. I had become an abhorrence, and they had left in hordes. Today, sixteen years later, God has vindicated me. Everyone's eyes have been opened. Truth has prevailed without saying a word. ALL my five children have achieved statuses of importance - and are still achieving in righteousness. But God is also rebuilding and re-branding me: I had gone further ahead to achieve more, academically. God had opened doors for me to minister on four of the seven of the world's continents. I had published ten life-changing book-titles read across the world, and I am still writing! Ministries generally marked its tenth year of rising from the ashes here in the UK, in 2020. God has been faithful!

Why have I written, thus? Because I am still hurt? NO! God has vindicated me!! And is still working with and through me.

Rather, I have written this to be a voice to the voiceless, abused, unbelieved souls out there betrayed to their death or mental-disrepair by the Criminal Justice Systems of the lands. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS A HEINOUS CRIME. The criminal justice system should see it as such. Enough of slap-on-the-wrist judgments, PLEASE!

(Picture credit: Julie Kosolapova)

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