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Anyone called of God into the “high calling” of adequately, effectively, representing Heaven to Earthly indigenes must at the very minimum, mandatorily require a pair of “guiding hands” and “seeing-eyes" to help them navigate the treacherous terrains of life’s encounters! If they lacked either, they would likely experience an endless, wander-some, excursion trip down the corridors of the very office(s) they were supposed to execute! The overhead lights on the corridors of such hallways should eventually grow dimmer with the advent of time, as they journey onwards, still, unaided. Additionally, they should eventually — if after a long while of not retracing their steps and locating their Heaven-sent aides — discover that they had indeed allotted irretrievable, precious time to roaming their precincts!

Do you categorize my opening statement above as harsh? I hope not! 

I will even attempt to bring this issue closer home by addressing it in the second-person, singular noun: Should you continue to navigate headstrong, headlong and unaccompanied in your ambassadorial journey, you would travel for a long while without realizing the promise of ever sighting a woodwork-signpost  a functional signpost in the dark, which ought to indicate to you, both the direction and the distance of travel. More favorably though, you may experience others like you who would probably not only wander and beat about the dense, entangling, forest-undergrowth on their journeys but indeed also wonder in disbelief, at how easy it is to be misled in the maze-groves of ministerial callings by everyone else who is also searching for answers that only the God of Heaven could provide! 

Unequivocally, there also avails that indisputable possibility that you would certainly run into the wicked, spiritual coyotes on your expedition! (I've borrowed the word 'coyote' from the smuggling ranks in Central America: They who attempt to smuggle illegal migrants into the United States, through the porous, two-thousand-mile southern border, Mexico shares with the USA.) The illegal services these render, more than often, are accosted with stiff costs and extreme human-violations. This is made possible because the majority of these coyotes are often nothing but human-traffickers who partner with the dangerous drug cartels, gangs, and prostitution rackets en route the journeys to Que Sera, Sera land! 

And just like these ‘illegal elements’ cohabiting the dense forests and cities of the Central American “triangle of fire”, there also exist spiritual coyotes in the dense vineyard of the Lord, camouflaging or forcefully co-existing with the true Body of Christ! These distort, impend, and prey upon the spiritual naiveties of spiritual ‘greenhorns’ in the deep matters regarding true, reverential worship and service of God  and His beloved humanity! 

One thing is certain: God calling upon a life is not confusing! A called-out one should never encounter a beclouding mystery surrounding the call of God upon his/her life! However, anyone called of God would require true, accurate spiritual guidance at all times! The experiences of two or three confidants, and the invaluable expertise, counsel, and ministry of a spiritually-alive, sensitive mentor  these whom I have earlier referred to as the pair of "guiding hands" and "seeing-eyes" — would necessarily be to you what Moses' brother-in-law, Hobab had been to Moses, and the children of Israel, as they had journeyed through the desert of their spiritual journey en route Canaan | Numbers 10:29-36.

If you found my descriptive narrative above to be scary, do not be afraid! I have been sent of God for your enlightenment. I have re-iterated, even this morning, the Heavenly oath undergirding my calling, to be faithful in adjudicating any matter in my jurisprudence as one of Heaven's Ambassadors!  (Excerpt from the preface-page of His Ambassadors, a brand-new book by Dr. Sammy Joseph). 

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It was Sunday, March 25, 2018. In the earliest hours of a new day after the celebration of my half-centennial birthday, the previous evening. Close friends had arrived from as far away cities as Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Glasgow, Scotland; and London, England to celebrate with me. It had been a long evening of an atmosphere replete with festive merrymaking! I had ensured that everyone had safely arrived at their hotel rooms. Then I had arrived at my house last, at about 2 a.m. I had prepared to tuck my feet under the duvet — and was about to reach for the switch of my bedside-lamp when a loud bell had rung in my spirit. It had been unmistakable. Its ding-a-ling familiarity couldn’t be discounted: I had heard it on a few occasions before. It had translated into a strong, fresh nudge from the Holy Spirit to “Revisit the manuscript of Heaven’s Ambassadors — and get ready to publish it in 2019!” The Father’s instructions to me most times had not been more explicit! So, that evening, I had requested my older, twin-sons to dig me up a fortune from our home’s loft. Thus, I had re-commenced work!  At first, I had only added a few side comments to the hand-written manuscript of 1986. Then, I had re-structured and re-constructed original tenses and phrases. Very soon, I would generally find myself doing more than just adding a few tweaks here and there: The result is the proof you’re now in possession of. (In all honesty, I had illuminated the manuscript of ’50 Invaluable Life-Lessons I've Learned in 50 Years’, alongside re-writing this book in the 2018/9 writing season! Yes, sometimes, I had read two or three books at a time, so why couldn’t I attempt to write in the same style in God’s mindful time?) "So, tell me, Sammy; why did it take you so long to publish this work?" somebody may inquire! The reason(s) for the delay in making public this work lies in my deep, unwavering conviction that each of my published works indeed has an appropriate, time-frame, pre-set in Heaven for its release! And gathering from the many documented testimonies that had flocked us in almost a decade of publishing at SJM, PULSE Publishing House books have been specifically written for — and have always arrived in the hands of certain, specific, intended readers whose situations had been suddenly turned around by the Lord of Hosts, upon digesting our contents. I do indeed currently have in my possession, two or three more titles that have been drafted, nearing completion, or had been completely abandoned, awaiting the Master's ding-a-ling tune of a re-awakening! Therefore, I do not view either the effort or the time invested into compiling any unpublished work, a loss  particularly if Heaven had not confirmed their rightful, set times of release! Then as we had readied efforts to release this book late November 2019, Father-God had had another idea: Deemed it fit to recall my eighty-three-year-old mom Home, without a warning!  Mom had not been ill: She had woken up as usual at 6.30 a.m., on that Sunday morning of the 26th She had prayed — and had ”felt like resting, just a bit longer!” She had slipped into eternity! My grieving for mom — and her burial ceremony’s plans had superseded the book’s publication and release!  Then came the epidemic Coronavirus — COVID-19 — that had first been discovered in Wuhan, China late 2019. By January, it had transmuted into a pandemic that had claimed tens of thousands of lives and brought the world’s economies to its knees! This watershed experience had forever altered the way the Church evangelized the lost! Now, because I am aware of the rare unction upon this particular project, may I prophesy unto you in the name of the One Who called and anointed me, that:  ”These printed pages will forever be a testament to the ever-living seed of God’s Heavenly vision unto you who obediently avail yourself to heed His voice!” In this newly re-written, re-arranged, smartly edited piece of work, therefore, I have highlighted cogent, inescapable issues that will inexplicably be encountered by Heaven's Ambassadors, generally, as they go about their daily activities while aiming at not misrepresenting Heaven’s dignity to Earth’s scornful, disdainful, hateful, prideful, sinful humans. I have not only brought these issues to the fore but have also proffered Heavenly wisdom to help combat them!

Discover these and many more discussions of God's timely message to you through this fascinating, thrilling, book of three parts on Evangelism. I have kickstarted this work with ’Book I: The Caller, The Called, and The Call!’

(Order your copy of this riveting book by Dr. Sammy Joseph: ‘Heaven’s Ambassadors' from Harvestways.Org,, or anywhere else books are sold worldwide).

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Updated: Feb 8, 2021

These are the three realms of human yearning — or learning. If those words are too big for your comprehension, just substitute each with: 'The Past', 'The Now', and 'The Perfect Future’  in that order. None could ever bring total satisfaction and peace to human yearnings and aspirations, according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. In fact, the Lord had vehemently denounced the common hypocrisy of the major players of His day — the Pharisees, the Scribes, the Sadducees, and the Lawyers, for upholding the “tradition of the elders” (Matthew 15:2) which were diametrically opposed to His Kingdom-ideals.

Traditions of men are handed down from generation to generation to be preserved and maintained as obtained. And while these may not be inherently bad, the danger is that traditions may become antiquated (out of date) when juxtaposed with modern culture, Existentialism), and thus necessarily be in dire need of amendments and changes! A school of traditional thought, for instance, that holds a race as six-tenths of the other in the slavery-era, is not only antiquated; it is demonic! The founding fathers, in this case, were the elders, so-called! They were men and not God.

Oppressive forces and agents of such were maximally confronted by the person of Christ Jesus in the days of His humanity. This was God, co-existing with humans so as to open the eyes of their understanding that they were engaged in spiritual warfare with an un-seen, diabolical enemy and eventually through the perception of the light of His knowledge, pave a way for their eternal redemption and salvation through the propitiation of His ultimate sacrifice on the old Roman cross!

Existentialism must not be coerced into a forceful co-existence with Traditionalism that is evil. Rather, it needs to be confronted with love, understanding, and dialog that results in an effective change that helps us not become polarized. Nor become neither the Stoics nor the stout Epicureans! We can always draw from the richness of our historical past to inform our decisions today since as humans, we do not know what the promise of tomorrow holds!

What of the ideals of the Utopian? And his/her aspirations on world peace?

Those ideas exist only in theory, in the mind of the non-realist. One who is daydreaming, UNTIL the day the era of the One foretold by the Prophet Isaiah as the “Prince of Peace” will arrive on His seat in Jerusalem! Until then, let our past moderate our now with love — that our neighbors may live, and let us live!

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