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"And the LORD smelled a sweet savour, and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more everything living, as I have done.

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease" | Gen. 8:22-23

Just last week, I noticed the new spring blooms of flowers off-sprouting from our trees in the garden. It was such a delightsome view. New shoots. New scents of the flowers. And then, I noticed what was inconspicuous: The trees had grown taller and had wanted to spread their happy palms!

I will write this blog today, in plain, simple language that everyone can understand. Possibly with no scriptural references other than the one quoted above, if possible. Because many of you are beginning to doubt if God still remembers you - and the promises He made to you many years ago! I am hereby issuing an eviction order to your doubts in the name of the Lord: The true and living God Whom we serve has a strong, impeccable memory. He never eternally forgets His promises and covenants. Men and women may forget what they said, signed, or vowed. But not God.

I think what gets under our skin is how would He do it? Now, if you do not seem to see the 'how', this could be a result of the blindness the daily pressure of living brings with it! And that, by every means, is fine! I said 'fine' because our God is not limited like we are!

Humans are limited in sight, thoughts, insight, foresight, and hindsight. We are made redundant from work, for example, and we suddenly are gripped by fear of how to pay our bills! But the hands that flung the stars into space in their elliptical orbits - with not a single star or planet ever colliding with the other say: "I've got you!"

Listen: God's got you in more ways than you ever could think. He won't let you fall. Never!

Having said that however, He may be re-directing your course(s). Oh yes; ever since time immemorial, God re-directs the courses and/or the pathways of His children. But they must be willing to tread that pathway. Or else, as the Bible says, if they are rebellious and hard to direct/steer - that is stiff-necked - they will dwell in a dry land | Psalms 68:6.

That above aside, the Lord may allow the delay to come upon the ways of life of the saint. Sometimes, to develop their muscles of faith. Or at other times, just because the saints in question are not yet able to comprehend the magnitude of the call/promise. And until they are ready, the manifestation of glory tarries! In other words, God waits upon people's readiness, sometimes.

Other times, manifestation tarries because God is preparing them to prepare the oncoming generation to inherit the promise as was in the cases of David providing all the materials for the building of the Temple, and Moses, preparing Joshua! Do you know why? Because God's covenants often come with the assurance to be transgenerational!

Finally, God in His wisdom permits the devil to sweat the big stuff so that in the end, He can turn each of his caprices into foolishness, and take all the glory. You read of the story of Jesus Christ's resurrection of Lazarus who had been dead and buried, past time, back to life again. And the same power of resurrection by the Spirit of God raised Jesus back to life again on the third day, literally after He too had been crucified, dead, and buried. If God did remember His Son, Jesus Christ, He sure will remember you and I. It's as simple as that! | Compare with Romans 8:11.


'The GOD Who Remembers' was written by Sammy Joseph. (The picture is copyrighted to PULSE Publishing House, UK).

Our book reading suggestion for the month of April is '50 Invaluable Life Lessons.' Visit our PULSE Publishing House store at the secure link: to order this life-changing book. It assures you that you would possess more wisdom — and particularly, understanding if you would dare put into practise, the wisdom disclosed on its pages.

You will also find Dr. Sammy Joseph's teachings at Please subscribe with a click on the notification bell.

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One thing is certain, whether you agree with me or not, it does not matter: GOD is setting the captives free in this month of February!

"I kinda like to render it in my freestyle way: Father-God is bursting wide open the prison doors that had kept his children captive for so long!"

"Are you not just trying to raise the people's hopes, high; don't you think that's exactly what you're trying to do, Sammy?"

Well, to answer your question, King Solomon was quoted as saying that "There's more hope in a living dog than a dead lion!" | Ecclesiastes 9:4. One word strikingly makes the huge difference between the picturesque quotation: HOPE!

Such as air is to the lungs, and so is 'hope' to the meaningfulness of the arduous Christian calling and walk! "Hope," the Bible says, "maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost Who has been given us" | Romans 5:5.

In the month of January just gone by, the Holy Spirit quickened me to teach on REMNANTS. God's remnants. (If you haven't seen or watched any in the series, please, click upon the playlist at this link:

While I will deliberately avoid repetition here because it destroys the object of this blog, yet, I think it is vital to mention briefly what God does with His remnants. For example, because of their neglect of Him, God had allowed His people to be pulverized and carted away into captivity. But all of the time, He had also warned that their captors would be captivated by more superior powers. Kind of a dog-eat-dog world, isn't it? Because God's love NEVER intended to allow His children to be held in bondage of any type. So, He had His time-piece set at the back of His Father-heart to always RESTORE His captives. A day will come when they would have had enough in captivity; in the strange land, and would call upon Him. Then, He would emancipate them, hold captivity captive, and release His goodies to His remnants! | Ephesians 4:8.

Are you a remnant of God?
If you, you have need to be strongly hopeful: God is coming to get you out of that funk or gallows, or the pigpen ... by the instrument of His emancipator!

Moses, for instance, was an emancipator of the riotous, idolatrous, adulterous Abraham's descendants! They soon became freed from the Pharaoh's iron grips! Their bonds were broken. They emerged free! The prison doors of Pharaoh's gulags were emptied by the superlative demonstration of the power of God.

Joseph was another classical emancipated emancipator. Sometimes, that is just God's style of releasing the captives: He sends someone akin to them ahead of them to be crushed and brutalized (Psalms 105:16-22) before empowering such to now "comfort others by the selfsame comfort wherewith they were comforted of God | See Psalms 105:16-22 & 2 Corinthians 1:4. From prison, the matured Joseph rose meteorically to the palace! Our Father-God always sends emancipators to His captivated remnants, locked up behind bars. Whatever kind of bar it is: Literal prison cells, for example, like He had done for Paul and Silas in Acts 16. Or financial indebtedness and/or credit card jailhouse. Or possibly marriage and children's or child-raising jailhouses' troubles! Some may even be adulting their lives with drug abuse and such. God always will call for Heavenly help to reach His locked-up remnants! He did the same for Apostle Peter whom Herod had imprisoned after, merely counting down to the night he would have him beheaded as he had done James. He had begun a "harassment campaign" of God's ecclesia. That's what the Bible called it in Acts 12:1. But God Almighty had another plan for His faithful servant: He would send one of His angels from Heaven to invade the jail cell, burst the prison doors asunder, smite the sleeping Apostle under the fifth rib, issuing him a command to "Arise quickly!" | Acts 12:7.

In a similar token, earlier this past January, as I waited upon the Lord in a thirty-one-day-fast, praying, the Holy Spirit through a bosom friend confirmed to me to form a consortium of partners for the purpose of creating an online mentorship program. It will be called the 'Sammy Joseph Mentorship Program' It will be opened to anyone who wants to critically appraise their lives and livelihoods.

The SJMP provides personal mentoring opportunities for selected individuals who are COMMITTED to personal development training in character, finances, relationships, and leadership. Our consortium consists of proven experts in their respective fields. They will help you make noticeable differences in your life. These online classes are commencing soon, and you will need to reserve your interest by scanning the QR Code above - or clicking on the link: and pre-registering. Like Peter's angel had instructed him: "Arise quickly ... Gird yourself and tie your sandals ... Put on your garment and follow me!"

When you too had followed God's instructions, you would have noticed your chains had fallen off. Just like they had off Apostle Peter. Hurry up! Pre-register N-O-W!



'GOD Is Bursting Asunder Your Prison Doors' was written by Sammy Joseph. It is an obedient reflection of his on Heaven's instruction to lead a consortium of expert emancipators in the areas that will produce excellence in life, wealth, health, and wholeness in the lives of participants.

To pre-register for - or learn more about - the SJMP, click here or scan our QR code today:

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You will also find Dr. Sammy Joseph's teachings at

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Updated: Mar 30, 2023

We’ve either been brought up that way or societal expectations have tutored us well; yet this is the harsh reality: Encounter anything that has been scratched, cracked, broken or damaged – and we drop or dump it in a jiffy! Learning how or why it bears its less-than-perfect distinguishing scar is of primary non-importance.

Just a little over two decades ago, I had gone shopping with my older daughter at her favorite store. From the corner of my eye, I had witnessed her pick a carton of eggs without first checking its contents – as she had been taught. "Oh-la-la-aa-a,” I had muttered, as I instinctively reached out to flip open the plastic egg carton's encasement in her hands. Confirming my worst expectation, there it was smiling at us both, a widely cracked shell! With a mouth ajar and a bulging pair of lovely eyes like mine, I had motioned her with a nod of the head: “D-U-M-P the carton – and pick another!”

Now, while my instinctive reaction may have been earthly and economically sound; it certainly was not heavenly and spiritually tenable to our loving Heavenly Father - the Father of spirits.

When life has you scratched, cracked, broken and damaged – guess people's instinctual reaction? Many would dump – and wash their hands off you with the quickest alacrity! They possibly would not want anything to do with you. Others would throw you into the bin, condemned to rot and degenerate in a destination waste yard! If you were already sat glued onto a hot stove's plate, they would rather wish that you be sent to hell to roast!

What happened to us? And why are we like this? Where is human empathy? Where are our bowels of compassion on any who seems more broken than us?

One major mistake the unregenerate man makes is his/her failure to realize that no human is an economical good. Plainly expressed, no human is just human! I know that rocks your foundation to its roots; but the truth is: humans are essentially spirit beings! We had better be very conscientious about how we treat other 'spirit-beings' – that we do not incur unvoiced wrath from the Almighty!

Have you ever been "scratched", "cracked", "abused", "broken", or "damaged"? Do you know any who has been forsaken and neglected, ‘dumped' in the bin like a soiled Huggies pamper?

I have Good News for you: You're a part of God's remnant!



Toward the end of the year 2022, God opened my ears to hear Him say that He would use His remnants on the Earth to do exploits in these last days! He asked me to preach, teach, write and emphasize this move of the Holy Spirit.

Who is a remnant of God?

God's remnant includes anyone who has been brow-beaten, scratched, cracked, and broken. It doesn't matter what had broken them. These are the poor in spirit whom Jesus in His sermon on the Mount had attributed the belonging of the Kingdom of God unto | Matthew 5:3.

And He promises to restore such.

Remnants are basically fragments. Fractions. Broken from a whole! Did you read that? Remnants were broken from a Whole. Father-GOD is the Whole. Remnants are the residual from the Whole: Like the ram caught in the thicket as a substitute for Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. That was God's remnant to the man of faith for His obedience to God. The Bible says that God is the Rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.

Are you ready for a massive build-up in your lifetime? then, this message concerning the remnants is just for you!

Not only would God restore His remnants, but He also causes the fragments to be gathered and not go to waste. Do you remember the story of Jesus' miracle of feeding the multitude near Bethsaida? There were left twelve huge baskets that He had asked the disciples to take to the boy's family as a reward for His simple, child-like faith to entrust His little into His hands. Let me give you an instance. Early wee hours of October 19, 2022, I embarked upon a vessel to an African nation. I had been sent there on a strict, Jeremiah's vision to "uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant" | Jeremiah 1:9.

Five weeks later, on the day of the completion of my assignment as I arrived the airport to return home, Father-GOD rewarded me with the opening of my eyes to see into the next monumental call of God for my life! I can only share with you what I have witnessed God do with this His remnant in His grace.

You are next: Your brokenness will be scars of beauty in no time. Your fragments will be re-gathered. God is about to do exceedingly abundant, much more than we can ask, or imagine, by the power that is at work within us!

Do you receive these words?


'What Do You See?' was written by Sammy Joseph. The piece has been condensed into a blog from the author's book: Appreciable Gifts.

To order this life-changing book, visit our PULSE Publishing House store at the secure link:

You will also find Dr. Sammy Joseph's teachings at Make sure that you subscribe with a click on the notification bell.

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