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Updated: Mar 30, 2023

We’ve either been brought up that way or societal expectations have tutored us well; yet this is the harsh reality: Encounter anything that has been scratched, cracked, broken or damaged – and we drop or dump it in a jiffy! Learning how or why it bears its less-than-perfect distinguishing scar is of primary non-importance.

Just a little over two decades ago, I had gone shopping with my older daughter at her favorite store. From the corner of my eye, I had witnessed her pick a carton of eggs without first checking its contents – as she had been taught. "Oh-la-la-aa-a,” I had muttered, as I instinctively reached out to flip open the plastic egg carton's encasement in her hands. Confirming my worst expectation, there it was smiling at us both, a widely cracked shell! With a mouth ajar and a bulging pair of lovely eyes like mine, I had motioned her with a nod of the head: “D-U-M-P the carton – and pick another!”

Now, while my instinctive reaction may have been earthly and economically sound; it certainly was not heavenly and spiritually tenable to our loving Heavenly Father - the Father of spirits.

When life has you scratched, cracked, broken and damaged – guess people's instinctual reaction? Many would dump – and wash their hands off you with the quickest alacrity! They possibly would not want anything to do with you. Others would throw you into the bin, condemned to rot and degenerate in a destination waste yard! If you were already sat glued onto a hot stove's plate, they would rather wish that you be sent to hell to roast!

What happened to us? And why are we like this? Where is human empathy? Where are our bowels of compassion on any who seems more broken than us?

One major mistake the unregenerate man makes is his/her failure to realize that no human is an economical good. Plainly expressed, no human is just human! I know that rocks your foundation to its roots; but the truth is: humans are essentially spirit beings! We had better be very conscientious about how we treat other 'spirit-beings' – that we do not incur unvoiced wrath from the Almighty!

Have you ever been "scratched", "cracked", "abused", "broken", or "damaged"? Do you know any who has been forsaken and neglected, ‘dumped' in the bin like a soiled Huggies pamper?

I have Good News for you: You're a part of God's remnant!



Toward the end of the year 2022, God opened my ears to hear Him say that He would use His remnants on the Earth to do exploits in these last days! He asked me to preach, teach, write and emphasize this move of the Holy Spirit.

Who is a remnant of God?

God's remnant includes anyone who has been brow-beaten, scratched, cracked, and broken. It doesn't matter what had broken them. These are the poor in spirit whom Jesus in His sermon on the Mount had attributed the belonging of the Kingdom of God unto | Matthew 5:3.

And He promises to restore such.

Remnants are basically fragments. Fractions. Broken from a whole! Did you read that? Remnants were broken from a Whole. Father-GOD is the Whole. Remnants are the residual from the Whole: Like the ram caught in the thicket as a substitute for Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. That was God's remnant to the man of faith for His obedience to God. The Bible says that God is the Rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.

Are you ready for a massive build-up in your lifetime? then, this message concerning the remnants is just for you!

Not only would God restore His remnants, but He also causes the fragments to be gathered and not go to waste. Do you remember the story of Jesus' miracle of feeding the multitude near Bethsaida? There were left twelve huge baskets that He had asked the disciples to take to the boy's family as a reward for His simple, child-like faith to entrust His little into His hands. Let me give you an instance. Early wee hours of October 19, 2022, I embarked upon a vessel to an African nation. I had been sent there on a strict, Jeremiah's vision to "uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant" | Jeremiah 1:9.

Five weeks later, on the day of the completion of my assignment as I arrived the airport to return home, Father-GOD rewarded me with the opening of my eyes to see into the next monumental call of God for my life! I can only share with you what I have witnessed God do with this His remnant in His grace.

You are next: Your brokenness will be scars of beauty in no time. Your fragments will be re-gathered. God is about to do exceedingly abundant, much more than we can ask, or imagine, by the power that is at work within us!

Do you receive these words?


'What Do You See?' was written by Sammy Joseph. The piece has been condensed into a blog from the author's book: Appreciable Gifts.

To order this life-changing book, visit our PULSE Publishing House store at the secure link:

You will also find Dr. Sammy Joseph's teachings at Make sure that you subscribe with a click on the notification bell.

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When the Almighty Father decided to restore and bring back the captivity of Zion, the mouths of the captives were full of laughter and testimonials. Many a dry, sun-kissed, flaky, furrowed forehead burst out in a glistening film of sweat. And soon into sweat balls!

This sweat wasn't a result of pressure from within the chambers of the rib cages. Rather, they were from the excitement of thirsty tongues that had in a triumphant chorus screamed: FREE AT LAST! What an answered prayer! The forlorn hope of many revealed in due time. It finally has come to pass!

Has the Holy Spirit within me just described your person? Or your situation?

You have waited for the promise of the Father so faithfully. Critics and mockers have reminded you over and over again that all your hope was lost. That you were past redemption. And possibly, that your case was hopeless! But thus saith the Lord God of Israel: "My words will come to pass. They will not return to me void", Prophet Isaiah testified:

"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it" | Isaiah 55:11.

Moses assuredly testified: "God brings them out of Egypt, He is for them like the horns of the wild ox" (Numbers 23:22).

Now, when God brought out the Israeli slaves from under Egypt's Pharaoh or the bondmen of Judah from the draconian Babylonian regime, He did not do it because of them or their goodness. He did because of His holy name's sake! Maybe you too are wondering: How could God be so good to me - and bring me out from a dry and slippery pit despite my nastiness?

You probably already have your answer! It's not because of whatever you have done. Grace is not reckoned on the account of works. Or anyone's goodness. It's on the account of God's full-settlement payment. "Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?" | Romans 2:4

Strobing lights are going to fall on you on stage, this 2023. Whether they be blue, red, brown, or halogen spotlights, I cannot tell. But lights are spotlighting you in the center of God's chosen place; with that God-chosen person/spouse, with God's chosen people, city, ministries, church, workplace etcetera, this new year in name of the LORD!

When this word of prophecy comes to pass, with different handshakes and accolades fighting for your attention and heart, don't forget to bring them all down at the feet of Christ Jesus. Tell Him in an audible, conversational voice: “I am … because YOU are!”


'When the Limelight Hits You' was written by Sammy Joseph. (The picture of the model is copyrighted to PULSE Publishing House, UK).

Our book reading suggestion for the month of January is '50 Invaluable Life Lessons.' Visit our PULSE Publishing House store at the secure link: to order this life-changing book. It assures you that you would possess more wisdom — and particularly, understanding, if you would dare put into practise, the wisdom disclosed on its pages.

You will also find Dr. Sammy Joseph's teachings at Make sure that you subscribe with a click on the notification bell.

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Updated: Jan 8, 2023

Today, you detailed your plans for the day

I know, but have you taken them to the Lord, in prayer?

Every waking heart ...

Ought to see to it that it has the best start ...

You set for yourself goals

And My higher purpose is to save thy soul

Lord, my days run away from me

I didn't even remember to take the front door's key with me

I surrendered my ways to You so long ago

I laid them before You with my heart, Your rose!

Never forget the difference

Your plans are prone to an earthly influence

My purposes are not swaying but will prevail

They never shift as one on a weighing scale

Still yet, they need to be given to prayer

In order to travel Heaven’s path down there to Earth

An indelible mark, and an eternal influence

To make!

A prayer you ought to say: "Jesus, today I will set my priorities right

So, I may continue to walk with Father's light!"


'SURRENDERED WAYS' was written by Linda Pearly🧚🏼‍♀️ our associate writer/contributor. The poem has been published with her permission. PULSE Publishing House, UK (copyrighted).

Visit our PULSE Publishing House Store at the secure link: to order this life-changing book.

Sammy O. Joseph's book: 'You're Not a MISMATCH' as it discusses strategies to help you know that Father God is walking with you on life's uneven terrains. You will also find Dr. Sammy Joseph's teachings at

WE THANK YOU for your custom.

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